Here are a set of sacred texts authored by a highly evolved being who chooses to stay anonymous. All documents made available here contain sacred verses which are to be solely read for their spiritual richness, depth and for the purpose of gaining awareness and understanding. They are not meant for practice, except under the guidance of a master.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Raktachamundi Siddhi

Dear all, now let me outline how the perfection for the Raktachamundi sadhana.

The moola mantra is to be chanted 8 lakh times and perform homa as mentioned. for the pooja do a naivedya of ghee payasa and rice cake and for prasanna pooja perform a guruthi tharpana. This will give the siddhi.

Those who are affected by a suksha ethereal attack, please make them do vibhoothi snana, the dathwaakarshana, and a small sacrificial ritual (all these to be learned from a competent guru). Depends on the cogency and power of the ethereal possession, Perform a bali or homa or both. The person will be relieved of the attack